El Tour De Tucson | 2005

So it started out as Platinum here we come. Jason and I were prepared, we had trained our butts off. I completely quit smoking (it's been almost 2 years now). We had done some decent rides. 63 I believe was our farthest. We can do anything for another 46 miles. Yeah right.

We get to Tucson on Friday night. Jason,
Steve(College buddy of Jason's), Dan. Not having ever done these events before I had know idea how to prepare, I think we ate some rice and bean burritos from ponchos taco shop around lunch time then gorged ourselves on some pasta from the macaroni grill around 9:00pm. I figured carb loadin' is all the rage.

We got the starting line around 5:00am,
saw maybe a quarter of the amount of people and was like"wholly shizzle" what have I gotten myself into. It was all over from there, "I am going to crash", "I'm under trained", "I'm too fat", "I think I'm going to throw up", "I have to go to the bathroom". After 3 more trips to the john, it was race time.

Jason and Rogers(Steve) said no worries brother, just stick with us and we got platinum wrapped up. I thought, sweet...we started at 7:00am...I lost Jason and Rogers about 7:01am. I saw them again after the
first river crossing about 7 miles in, then they were gone again.

Those two rocked the 2005 tour.

Dan: 7:05:49

PLATINUM: Under 5:00

I suffered/developed pnuemonia during the ride, and a flatted. Oh well, I love cycling and there is always next year.

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