Surgeries....check! Now start Training!

It was now May 2007. I was slowly re-covering, Max was re-covering, and Jason was killing it as a Cat 5 USA cyclist. He was doing TT's and he was rockin. I believe he finished 2nd once and 3rd twice.

Max and I continued to train....

So, Jason calls and says "Dude, you need to do a TT with me, get some arrow bars and lets do this." I was not ready for this, Cat 5 USA Cyclist..not me! I was just getting back on the bike it had only been like 4 months. I gave Jason every excuse in the book. He never faltered, I bought my license in August and did my first TT on August 5, 2007. I got 10th out of 14. Jason got 3rd or 2nd...It was good for me to get out there and do it.

Max calls me one day and says what you think about the 4C's on October 13th 2007. The 4C's is another PBAA cycling event in Douglas, AZ. The 4C's stand for the Cochise County Cycling Classic. It's a 92 mile event and yes, you can get PLATINUM. All you need is to complete the 92 mile event under 4:15:00. I say yeah lets do it and we were registered. We so got platinum!

Jason was out due to scheduling conflicts.

So we train: Max received the nick name "MAXFACTOR" somewhere in our training for the 2007 Tour De Phoenix-Jason and I coined the name because anytime Max is on your ride your going to hammer. He knows no limits he has literally puked on more than one occasion. He will throw your whole ride into a smack down, which we all love and hate sorta like wind and hills. Lets just say the MaxFactor was in full effect from August to October (Race Day). We were ready, we completed a 65 mile ride at a speed of 20.5 and still felt good after words. We were going to kill the cochise, definitely platinum, we might even win the dang thing go 1 and 2!

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